My Tickler
My Feather Tickler
I’ve had this feather tickler for years. I keep it wrapped in silk and in a little box. It’s small (fits into my palm), its luscious cream feathers are so soft, and it comes wrapped in tan leather with a Swarovski crystal.
I often take this with me on hotel stays or travelling with my lover because it is compact and fits easily into any luggage.
So, what do you do with it? Here are the ways I have used it before.
This feather tickler is small enough to pop in your handbag, so why not take it and your lover down to your local wine bar and surprise them over a glass by whipping out your feather tickler and caressing your décolletage or their hands? You can circle it down your arm, flick it across your neck, or even run it down your legs. You may not get to finish your wine but isn't that the point?
Food and feathers are my kind of thing. Organise an array of sensual taste bites on a plate, blindfold your lover with a silk tie and use the tickler to caress their face, run it over their mouth and in the corners of their lips before feeding them tasty morsels.
Be the ultimate tease and get your lover to lay down completely naked and use your tickler to lightly brush their whole body without touching the genitalia. Tickle and tantalise their inner thighs, torso, arms, hands, back and buttocks.
Collect a little basket of textures - your feather tickler, a silk tie, some faux fur, ice, a fork - anything you can think of that will feel good running along the skin. Be sure to get some contrasting sensations too, scratching, tickling, soothing, cold. Then play a little game by blindfolding your partner and alternating your pleasure instruments. Have them guess what each one is and you can choose the prize for them getting it right ;)
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