House of Theodora

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My Nectar of Pleasure

A few years ago, my partner bought me my first clit jewellery, and it’s made by a relatively unknown French designer, Sylvie Monthule. Sylvie has been designing erotic collections for 28 years and all creations are designed by Sylvie and made by her and her team in France.

She has an extensive range of jewellery for the clitoris, labia, breasts and nipples, penis, and some very pretty anal jewels.

The piece I was gifted is from her clit jewellery range and is called the ‘Nectar of Pleasure’. I got the gold and black version; it also comes in a pretty blue.

It’s considered a penetrating jewel because the top part sits on the clitoris and the bottom part is inserted into the vagina.

This is the ultimate play-at-home underwear. I tried to wear it out once, and it was a bit uncomfortable because the elastic keeps it tight and there is some pressure as it curves with your body so if you’re planning on heading out for a 3-course meal, it can get a little uncomfortable sitting on the metal and resin. I would practice wearing it at home before you take it out.

Sylvie also has jewels that are just for the clitoris and some beautiful, delicate breast jewels also.

I’d love to know what you think of this! (And just a reminder, I get no money for these private collection reveals. Everything you see in the Collections are all pieces I own, wear and love!)

Check out the Nectar of Pleasure on Sylvie’s website (FYI, it is NSFW)

